I am a Legal Practitioner and Data Privacy Practitioner with in depth knowledge in compliance, advisory, training and implementation.
In my line of work, I have done the following:
a. Audit Services
- Carried out Data Protection Audit for several clients, including EKEDP, ACA group, Chi Limited. This exercise includes verification of their compliance with regulations, vetting of policies and practices in accordance with the laws.
- Filed Audit on behalf of clients with the NDPC.
b. Advisory and Post Audit Services
- Conducted awareness session for
- Review of Data Protection Policies and Contracts for various These policies include Breach policies, HR contracts and Data Protection Agreements.
- Liaise with the Commission on behalf of various
- Data Protection Impact assessment on behalf of clients that recorded a breach of their
c. Trainings
- A facilitators and moderator of the NDP Academy
d. Publication
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/olatorera-o-oladeji-cipp-e-b6931369_international-transfer-of-data-nigerian-activity-7229776643790127105-SjMw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/olatorera-o-oladeji-cipp-e-b6931369_adobe-acrobat-the-challenges-facing-implementation-activity-7164653939152429056-Sx1f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android
The above covers my experience in the Privacy. This is apart from litigation experience in various fields of law.